Wild PEaches and Sparkling Wine...

The dream of something unlikely has its own special name. It's called hope. Yet our courage for life's journey so often falters because we've lost our hope for heaven.

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Monday, December 29, 2003

Mood: A little confused and drained.. but madly in love.

I jus had a looong talk today with my hamster.. it was a really trying and utterly draining time.. trashing things out, making our real feelings known, revealing frustrations with each other, and heaping blame after blame upon the other party. Not a very pleasant time as anyone can see.
But strangely, i felt a sense of release after the 1hr + long conversation was over.

I was emotionally tired, tired of how we are always not happy, how things always seem to go wrong, how i seem to always start a problem but no one can understand the reason behind it, my insecurities, my pessimism.. argH. Just about everything. I feel like a major neurotic and screwed-up gf. period.

Is God showing me how imperfect i can be? So that He can be perfected in my weaknesses? I really hope He'll reveal his heart to me on this relationship. Loving my dear on my own ain't enough.. my imperfections will only end up destroying the fragile fabric we have created with erOs.
I pray God will show me how to love unconditionally, and to preserve this relationship that i treasure so much.

Adrian prayed for me today and said God wants me to know i can be self-confident, more than i ever realise. Hmmmm.......


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