Wild PEaches and Sparkling Wine...

The dream of something unlikely has its own special name. It's called hope. Yet our courage for life's journey so often falters because we've lost our hope for heaven.

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Saturday, January 17, 2004

Ah KOO!!! I'm so thrilled at the comin' Sydney trip on TuE!
I've always been travelling somewhere with my family every chinese new yr... to the point where it feels like just another normal outing.. nothin much to be excited about eh. Guess it's cuz my mum is always choosing to join tours and there's no chance of doing free n' easy stuff. Too dangerous, she claims. *BLEAH.... how to soak up the culture like that.. hrmph*

Anyway this time... i dunno.... maybe i've grown up a little n have become a lil braver, or cuz i've gotten a digi camera (yeah this def plays a part! haha) ... i'm determined to make this trip a different experience! Gonna maximize it, go out and explore the city when i have the chance, check out the underwater world and taronga zoo if possible, take lots of pictures to visualize these extraordinary memories, and have a helluva lots of fun! EeP! SydNEy here i come!!

Oinkz.... Gonna go soak up some sun rays now... boy it's a lovely day.....


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