Wild PEaches and Sparkling Wine...

The dream of something unlikely has its own special name. It's called hope. Yet our courage for life's journey so often falters because we've lost our hope for heaven.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Quote of the Day:


When our schedules become overloaded, we start skimming relationally, cutting back on giving the time, energy and attention that loving relationships require. What's most important to God (Matt 22:36-40) is displaced by what's urgent.

Rick Warren: Purpose-Driven Life (pg.125)

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Something really strange happened this morning. I dreamt that Hwee told me he is dating someone new, and that he now has a choice of 2 girls. I was so mad and asked him who the second one was.. and he said it was me. Stupid dream.. it was so real.. even my emotions in the dream. There was this sheer sense of helplessness and overwhelming sadness i couldnt stop feeling.
Even wierder was when i woke up and confided in my mum about the dream. She was quite startled. And she told me that early this morning, she was just praying and asking God to let me know if hwee and i were meant to be together. If not, to bring a new guy into my life so that i can move on.
What a Coincidence! Was that God's way of answering her prayer? Wah lao.. not funny la.. Felt mighty miserable after waking up. Perhaps God is preparing me for something to come. I dunno. It's strange. Then again.. my mum tends to have this amazing intuition and prophesy- abilities...


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