During the Tioman trip, got to know a lot of my BLE team-mates better... drinking with them through the wee hours of the night, listening to them bitch, hearing bout their dive and sch/work experiences..etc. Got to know these 2 ntu guys much betta... funky dudes who guzzle beer, smoke a hell lot and talk bout gals non-stop...really nice and friendly bunch. Yet at the same time, when i got know them betta... i find myself getting more disillusioned. One of them is surprisingly a christian (i was so shocked yet glad to hear that), and then... i realise that sex to him is kinda like... Nothing. You know... get damn high on alcohol on a beach with some gals, then get it on with them.
.............. I dunno what to feel now. I couldnt bring myself to ask him why he condones pre-marital sex when he's christian. But i'm afraid i'll sound so 'holy' and pious. Sigh... at the same time, i was mighty disappointed... that's today's morality for you. Sex's just sex... Isnt the body supposed to be the temple of God? To be sanctified and kept pure? I guess i instinctively trust someone to be 'different' ( as in he can discern himself from worldly temptations and all) when he's a christian. Man.. that's so totally not true. Nowadays...there's not much distinction between a non-believer and a christian, is there.
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