Dietrich Bonhoffer in Life Together:
" Disillusionment with our local church is a good thing because it destroys our false expectations of perfection. The sooner we give up the illusion that a church must be perfect in order to love it, the sooner we quit pretending and start admitting we're all imperfect and need grace. This is the beginning of real community."
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I admit I was kinda upset for my cell guys about the Wala's issue before.. and a few times, i had to catch myself before i start to place blame on the leadership, albeit unconsciously.... Let this be my own reminder:
It is always easier to stand on the sidelines and take shots at those who are serving than it is to get involved and make a contribution. God warns us over and over not to criticize, compare, or judge each other (Romans 14:13).
When you criticize what another believer is doing in faith and from sincere conviction, you are interfering with God's business: " What right do you have to criticize someone else's servants? Only their Lord can decide if they are doing right." (Romans 14:4) ....
Whenever I judge another believer, four things instantly happen: I lose fellowship with God, I expose my own pride and insecurity, I set myself up to be judged by God, and I harm the fellowship of the church. A critical spirit is a costly vice.
The Bible calls Satan "the accuser of our brothers" (Rev 12:10). It's the Devil's job to blame, complain, and criticize members of God's family. Anytime we do the same, we're being duped into doing Satan's work for him. Remember, other Christians, no matter how much you disagree with them, are not the real enemy.
Any time we spend comparing or criticizing other believers is time that should have been spent building the unity of our fellowship.
(Rick Warren -Purpose-Driven Life)
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