Wild PEaches and Sparkling Wine...

The dream of something unlikely has its own special name. It's called hope. Yet our courage for life's journey so often falters because we've lost our hope for heaven.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Pondering On....

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)" Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life. "

It's interesting how much more can be understood about a seemingly simple verse when we check out other translations (can do so easily at www.biblegateway.com - fascinating stuff i tell u.. heh):

(TEV version):
" Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts. "

It's so true isn't it? Quite an understatement, but one which we never fully realise the implications of..

Behind everything you do is a thought.
Every behaviour is motivated by a belief,
and every action is prompted by an attitude.(R. Warren- PDL )


Have decided to wake up really early to do work! So here i am in the marine lab at 9 in the morning. Hopefully a productive day ahead.. gonna meet a filipino professor later to ID my marine algae samples... hehe.. he's really funny.. he pronouces algae as "AHH-Gee" and fungi as "FOOn-Gee". I better not laugh later in his face or he'll kick me out of his lab... =x

Yesterday had a dance prac at Dancing Angels'... fun stuff.. gonna be doing a retro dance show at Swissotel this sat to GreASe LightNing. Keep shakin' That booty man! I also got my teacher to teach me some workouts for the butt, back and waist.. been feelin teeny bit bulgy lately ah.. ~grumble~
hohoho.. gals! try doing back-lifts.. it's supposed to give your back these really nice defined lines..and firm up those muscles as well.. keke.. for more info,call me la..personal demo for ya =D
Alrity.. digressed enough from work....

Listening to: JazzMeetsCuba (Klazz Bros and Cuba Percussion)
eclectic mix of sexy cuba beats and a good dollop of jazz and classical music...Ooo Yeah~


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