Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)" Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life. "
It's interesting how much more can be understood about a seemingly simple verse when we check out other translations (can do so easily at - fascinating stuff i tell u.. heh):
(TEV version):
" Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts. "
It's so true isn't it? Quite an understatement, but one which we never fully realise the implications of..
Behind everything you do is a thought.
Every behaviour is motivated by a belief,
and every action is prompted by an attitude.(R. Warren- PDL )
Have decided to wake up really early to do work! So here i am in the marine lab at 9 in the morning. Hopefully a productive day ahead.. gonna meet a filipino professor later to ID my marine algae samples... hehe.. he's really funny.. he pronouces algae as "AHH-Gee" and fungi as "FOOn-Gee". I better not laugh later in his face or he'll kick me out of his lab... =x
Yesterday had a dance prac at Dancing Angels'... fun stuff.. gonna be doing a retro dance show at Swissotel this sat to GreASe LightNing. Keep shakin' That booty man! I also got my teacher to teach me some workouts for the butt, back and waist.. been feelin teeny bit bulgy lately ah.. ~grumble~
hohoho.. gals! try doing back-lifts.. it's supposed to give your back these really nice defined lines..and firm up those muscles as well.. keke.. for more info,call me la..personal demo for ya =D
Alrity.. digressed enough from work....
Listening to: JazzMeetsCuba (Klazz Bros and Cuba Percussion)
eclectic mix of sexy cuba beats and a good dollop of jazz and classical music...Ooo Yeah~
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