Psalm 50:15
"Call on Me in times of trouble. I will rescue you, and you will honour Me."
Ahh... i need a break from confounding biostatistics! Finally decided to take a break at home today.. haha i had lots of fun dressing Yujia up in the afternoon...time to turn her into femme fatale! It's amazing what the right clothes can do for you. Well ladies out there.. embrace your femininity and go ShoPpInG!
i really love reading God's word. Somehow it never fails to refresh me and give me something meaningful to ponder on for the day.. But reading the bible itself can get really dry at times... so christian books are the way to go! They are just like little guiding cues: helping you to see God's truth in a more understandable way and shining the light on life-giving verses whose meanings are otherwise shrouded in old english jargon.
ahhhh.. may God help me deal with the coming stressful week ahead!
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There are certain situations that makes you more vulnerable to temptation than others. Some circumstances will cause you to stumble almost immediately, while others don't bother you much. These situations are unique to your weaknesses, and you Need to identify them because Satan surely knows them! He knows exactly what trips you up, and he is constantly working to get you into those circumstances.
(R.Warren- PDL)
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